Parenting strong-willed children – when your child won’t take “no” for an answer
Parenting strong-willed children can feel like your child is in charge. If getting even the tiniest amount of cooperation feels far from reality, you’re not alone. Parenting strong-willed children isn’t easy. We know these kids can double down, dig in and refuse to take “no” for an answer. They are determined, steadfast and will give us a darn good run for our money. That could actually be what we want for them adults but it’s not easy to live with. Parenting strong-willed children can feel like hard work. Parenting means we are the ones who are trying to get stuff done. Despite using our best efforts parenting strong-willed children can be like wading through treacle. The secrets to parenting strong-willed children is about understanding what makes them tick and working with their true nature.
Parenting strong-willed children
Therefore, as a parenting coach I’m constantly presented with this scenario – often by parents at the very end of their rope. For the parents of a strong-willed child, just getting through a regular day is a battle of wills. Besides being draining, these events can leave anyone feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and even helpless. So, how can parents who are parenting strong-willed children help them to learn ways to soften their stance? I’ve gathered my most useful advice, insights and techniques for you:
Strong-willed children need us to meet their needs
Parenting strong-willed children requires us to look a the many reasons why children can be strong-willed. Yet one thing they all have in common — driving their temperament and behaviour — is their strong feelings.
The way we respond to those feelings has a lot to do with how things end up. What won’t work is to add more pressure to a child who is already in an entrenched position. A determined strong-willed child will dig their heels in even more. In parent coaching we work on ways to understand what is going on internally for your child to find the reasons for the behaviour. Pausing for a moment to think about how our child feels is the first step. Strong-willed children have strong feelings. Thus we can meet them where they are at.
Coach your determined kid, don’t contradict:
You are your child’s greatest resource.
By learning to be their emotion coach, you can reflect back and soothe their strong feelings. Understanding how to help a strong-willed child process their emotions allows progress. Next steps once their emotions are processed is on the way to being more open to cooperating. Additionally we start to find the more we do this the more traction we get. It’s a new way to build cooperation by encouraging more of it.
Strong-willed children need us to focus on strengths
Parenting strong-willed children comes with a lot of labels. Often our children get negative labels: difficult, stubborn, defiant or just plain bad.
But if you think about it, is it really all bad to have a child who won’t take “no” for an answer?
The positives don’t tend to jump out at us when we feel worn down and frustrated. However, if we’re able to pause and reframe the situation, we can see: persistence, determination and bravery. These children actually have a lot of really good qualities that can serve them well later in life. We admire these qualities in adults and yet we can find them annoying or unreasonable in children. Try thinking about the behaviours as trial runs for the attributes we want our child to have as an adult? Children who are strong-willed need to hear themselves being spoken about in positive ways, for instance:
“You’re a person who feels things strongly. You know what you want and you really stick to it.”
“I see that you are someone who likes to be in charge, you could be a great leader someday.”
So take a moment to think about the future when your child will be an adult. What sort of person will they be? Will they stand up for themselves? Will they fight for what they believe in? If you feel like your child is starting to show all the signs of becoming a budding lawyer try and remember that Nelson Mandela’s mum probably didn’t have an easy time of it either.
Ditch unrealistic expectations for strong-willed children
We all have big expectations for our kids. When they’re little and vulnerable we have a strong instinct to protect them. Although we have our own expectations for their behaviour this may not match their temperament. Nevertheless parents want children to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Often, we want them to do what we ask because it’s easier, we’re in a hurry and we just expect it.
Next we can feel frustration because we think our child should do what we ask because we said so and without resistance. Furthermore following instructions straight away, without questioning, can be hard for a strong-willed child. Try to adjust your expectations, accepting what your child is capable of at their current stage of development.
Instead of:
“My daughter should do what I ask, full stop.”
Reframe it as:
“My child could do what I ask, when I teach her skills to unlock and when she has had a lot of practice over time and when she’s ready.”
It’s easy to say, and much harder to put into practice: Our job as the adult in the relationship is to remain flexible and understanding. It’s worth it, the more we model a flexible and understanding approach, the easier it will be for our strong-willed child to accept the limits we impose to keep them safe.
Be flexible so your persistent kids can too
A common instinct among parents of strong-willed children is to try and squash defiance out of them with discipline. A glance through the comments on any Facebook parenting page will be full of admonishments for “weak” parents and advice around “showing your kids who’s the boss!”. Fear of being seen as permissive is a major factor for parents who react with harsh punishments and consequences.
But it just doesn’t work. Families end up stuck in a cycle of punishment and misbehaviour because parents fear that they are losing control.
Uniting different parenting styles
However much we disagree about the right way to parent our child the gap can increase when parenting strong-willed children. Then it makes sense to spend time uniting different parenting styles is a part of being a parent. Next time you’re struggling to agree on what table manners should be take a minute to pause. When we consider how much energy we’re losing this way it makes sense to find new ways to plan for the inevitable conflict. Uniting different parenting styles is an important way to support all of our children, especially our strong-willed children
When we use up our energy to punish and deliver consequences we’re missing out on the valuable teachable moments that a strong-willed child really needs to build skills. When we rely too much on rules and consequences, we weaken trust and connection in our relationship. We might get compliance but it will likely be a begrudging compliance. Strong-willed kids need more empathy and connection to help them to trust us and allow them to show vulnerability. We need to make it easier for them to accept the limits by understanding how to meet their needs and showing them how to be flexible.
Try DIY for strong-willed children
Strong-willed kids need to learn important skills like flexibility and how to work as a team. By practising being calm, alert and focused we are wiring flexible approaches into the brain over time. One of my favourite techniques for fostering flexibility in strong-willed children is a simple exercise called DIY. It helps encourage flexibility and perspective.
Below I’ve illustrated an example of how DIY works. On the surface, it looks like we’re teaching sharing, but it’s also teaching thoughtfulness and turn taking, important aspects of working flexibly as a team:
- Describe a problem: “Hmmmm…. there are two kids and only one scooter.”
- Give information: “It would be fair to make sure that both people get a turn.”
- Ask your child to find a solution: “What could you do to make sure everyone gets a fair turn?”
That’s it!
With just a simple thought-exercise, you give your child a chance to experience flexibility as a method for problem solving. I recommend these small and powerful lessons in quiet and calm moments for the best result.
Help strong will kids over time and with practice
With time and a lot of practice we can support our determined and strong-willed children to learn to navigate the areas they find hard. We need to be the calm, alert and focused parent helping them through the struggle so that they can go on to have good relationships with others as well as standing up for themselves.