People sometimes say to me – “You must have perfect kids!”

There is no such thing as a perfect child or a perfect parent. As a parent the best you can do is make a lifetime commitment to love, support and guide your children towards becoming capable, mature adults.

My journey to becoming a parenting coach really began when I myself became a parent. I was living in London, practising law. As a lawyer, I was used to my days being highly organised, ordered and in-control. Well, as you can imagine, the transition to life with a baby and toddler resulted in a lot of change to my established routine. Children brought fun, unpredictability, chaos and challenges.

I had questions that needed answers:

WHY won’t my kids listen to me? HOW do I “reason” with a toddler? and WHAT the heck should I do about volatile, unpredictable behaviour?

The books on parenting were mostly confusing — advice like “praise the good, ignore the bad” just didn’t fit for my family.

That’s when I heard about Positive Parenting. I attended a few courses and started to develop awareness about my actions and how they impacted everyone around me. I began to understand WHY I felt so powerless to make any changes in my family. There were some real “ah ha” moments and encouraging results. I sensed that this approach, so effective for me, could benefit many more families.

So, I began developing my skills and talent with further training, becoming a certified parenting coach and facilitator. I worked with families in London until returning home to Auckland and joining the team of the Parenting Place. There, in my role as a facilitator, I supported parents in a full range of group courses.

In 2016 I launched Good to Great Parenting as a way to directly serve families facing parenting challenges. I absolutely love it. It gives me goosebumps to hear a parent say they know how to help their child through upset and disappointment. That could be anything from a friendship issue, to a disappointment or even frustration when they can’t tie their laces.

These are the stories which really make a difference. For me, the best feeling is when a parent has a lightbulb moment and says they just “get” their child in a way they didn’t before our coaching.

I’m a believer in lifelong learning, so alongside coaching I engage in continuous training – pursuing a deeper understanding of children’s development, learning, behaviour and temperament.

The Good To Great Process

The Good To Great Process

Parenting solutions tailored to your family

The Good To Great Process

Every parent wants happy children, yet every family situation is unique.

Together we’ll identify your challenges and goals, then I’ll develop a personalised plan, tailored to your family. Over a series of regular sessions (in-person or virtual), you will learn a range of positive parenting skills, including effective ways to respond to your child’s needs and behaviours. I’ll be there supporting you every step of the way – providing notes and parenting resources and answering your questions in our sessions.

What Justine’s clients are saying

“After working with Justine we have the feeling that our family unit is closer, more supported and calmer. Thank you Justine for making a huge difference to our parenting journey.”

– Anna, mum of 2 girls.

Parent Coach - Good to Great Parenting

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Private coaching, workshops and speaking

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Your parenting coach


Private coaching, workshops and speaking

Contact Justine

Your parenting coach

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